A Conversation Between a Child and a Grandfather

A Conversation Between a Child and a Grandfather
By Zachoia Cooper

A little Child:

Have you seen God? Did you meet God?
Have you gone right up to greet God?
How do you know that there is one
God who sent his only Son?
Will I see him in the sky
If I look up really high?
If I go to outer space
Will I then see his face?
Oh, do you see him in the trees?
Do you feel him in the breeze?
Or if I look in a flower
Will I finally see God’s glory and power
Is God up? Is God down?
Is God ANYWHERE around?
Oh, oh, my dearest Grandfather
Please take time, It won’t be a bother
To explain to me a mystery:
Where is the God that I can’t see?


How am I sure that God is there
And that He is a God who really cares?
If you look around you won’t see
God in a physical body
But if you just take a look
You will see all nature is a book
It tells of the Creator God
It gives him glory, honor, laud
The tree leaves spring
The breezes sing
Tell of the God who made them
Went out of his way to aid them
And let them grow
So you could know
God is Great-yes, he cares
He always, always hears your prayers
He sent his Son to die so you
Would be saved and know what is true:
That God has glory, wisdom, might
He’s always loving, he’s always right
It is my confidence that you can’t sway
That some where, my child, someday
You will see God, you will meet God,
You will go right up to greet God!

(Original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!Signed,
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Just beautiful, and with a wonderful message.

  2. I think this so beautiful, Zachoia. Thank you for writing it.

    Wiggles the Polliwog

  3. Good job, Zachoia!
    Keep writing!



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