The Fat-Bellied Sidekick

The Fat-Bellied Sidekick
 by Philip Cooper 
(age 10 ) 

 There was a boy named Emmett who had super powers. He could fly and go through anything as long as it wasn’t alive. He had a brilliant mind too and almost always was working on an invention like his built-into-his-suit heater/air conditioner. Emmett could also shoot freeze rays and he had a secret headquarters where he could listen to the police scanner and work on inventions. Emmett had a side kick named James. James was a dog. He was a jolly puppy. Emmett had only had him for two weeks, but in those two weeks he had gotten into the refrigerator and had eaten food until he was SUPER FAT. But for some reason, James was still fast. Emmett figured out that he could pull his fat in and that made him lighter somehow.

 One day, Emmett heard about a robbery at the bank. Emmett grabbed James and zoomed to the bank. “Halt!” he said. But nobody was in his line of sight. Suddenly, Emmett heard a whistling sound, like something was moving through the air. Then, he passed out.

 When Emmett woke up, the criminal was grinning at him. “We finally got you Super Hero,”said the criminal.

 “Where’s James?” demanded Emmett.

 “Right there” the criminal pointed to a corner of the room where James was standing, tied to a door.

 Emmett was relieved. He still had his super suit on so he could not be recognized as Emmett. And James was fine.

 Another criminal came and cut the rope around James’s neck. “The dog is not going to do anything,” he said. “And he’ll just be a pest, so we might as well turn him out.”

 Just then, James bit him. In rage the criminal punched him in the belly, but the force of the hit knocked the criminal over. The first criminal threw a hammer at James, but when it hit James in the belly, the hammer bounced right back, smacking the criminal in the face. That criminal fell to the floor unconscious. The second criminal was going to react, but Emmett froze him. Then Emmett walked right through the ropes. “Come on James,” Emmett said. “Let’s go to the police.”

 Emmett still fights crime and still works on inventions and still is a best friend of the police. And he still has a jolly sidekick that is so fat that he can bounce things off his belly.

 (original and unedited)

 If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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