Wake Up With Wings

Wake Up With Wings 
by Grace Berkheiser 
(age 11)

John Jackson woke up just as the sun peeped out over the hills. He yawned and stretched. He thought “I think I’ll go to the window and see if there are any flowers blooming in the garden.” 

So, he got out of bed and went over to the window. But, as he went, he noticed his feet were not on the floor. He had a strange feeling .He felt like he was floating or something. As he went past the mirror he saw something very strange. He had WINGS!!!!!!!! He couldn’t believe his eyes. 

When he went over to the window it was open. He flew out. As he went over the garden he saw that the butterflies were having a party to celebrate springtime. He went down and joined them. Now John had very beautiful wings. They were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. He also was very big for a butterfly. And if that didn’t make him look strange enough, he was also wearing dinosaur pajamas. 

All in all he was something the butterflies had never seen the like of. They went over to greet the newcomer.

"Hi," said John. The butterflies waved their wings at him, and he. thinking this was their way of greeting, returned the action.The butterflies then guided him over to a bright red flower. He thought they wanted him to drink the nectar. He couldn't do this, however, since he had no proboscis. 

As he stood there wondering what to do, all of a sudden, the butterflies' outlines started to get blurry. Things started to lose their color and shape. And he heard a Bbbbbrrrriiiinnnnggg!!!! 

He rubbed his eyes and realized he was still in bed. He must have been dreaming!  Looking out the window he saw the beautiful morning outside. As we went to the window to look out he felt strange, like he was floating . . .

(original and unedited)

on Lesson Thirteen - Silly Stuff

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story! Signed,
Wiggles the Polliwog

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