The Adventure Tales

The Adventure Tales
Eileen Armstrong
(age 11)

Meet the gang

            Once upon a time there was a girl named Lisa.  She was 11 years of age and she had long blond-red hair that was as shiny and as smooth as a shiny penny and light blue eyes that shone like the sky.  She was an orphan and her only family was her pets Meritt and Sincerity.  Merritt was her pet hawk he was 19 years of age.  His beak was bright yellow his wings were black like the night sky with no stars, white like the snow, and dark brown like the bark of a tree.  Sincerity was her pet horse and she was 18 years of age.  She was brown-red like bricks and her main and tail were dark brown like the dirt.

            Now these animals were vary special they weren’t just pets. No sir they were magical.  Meritt could fly like an eagle with the strength of an elephant but was as quiet as a mouse.  He had the power and might of a lion.  Sincerity could run like a cheetah and as swift as the wind.  She was powerful like a tiger but was as graceful as a swan.  Both of Lisa’s pets could talk and when Lisa said “eihpos” Meritt would turn into a ferocious griffin.  When she said “noitulover” Sincerity would turn into a beautiful Pegasus.  Lisa had been raised by her pets and even though she wasn’t magical she had special talents. She could talk to animals, could use a bow and never miss, could make any thing grow any were, and there are some she might not no yet. So now that you now some things about them here is their first adventure.

Adventure one: the beginning 

Lisa, Meritt, and Sincerity lived in the forest outside of the kingdom jebados in a little cabin it was autumn the leaves were golden and red. When the light shown through them they light up and were very pretty. The cabin was surrounded by an army of trees. 

“Meritt?” Lisa said one day bright sunny autumn day.

“What is it Lisa?” said Meritt.

“Well I was wondering what class were mom and dad?” said Lisa.

“Wait one moment.  Sincerity could you come here?!” he said.

“What is it Meritt?” said Sincerity. 

“Come with me.” He said to Sincerity. Then they went out of hearing dissents from Lisa. Then Meritt whispered.

“She has asked the question. Do you think she is ready?”

“yes.” She whispered back.  They walked back to Lisa. Then Meritt said

“Lisa you know that you were an orphan and we took you in right?”

“Yes” she replied then he continued.

“Well you were an orphan because you and parents were in danger. They put you in our care because the wanted to keep you safe.  Your parents were king and queen over jebados.  You and your parents were in danger because you uncle Roderick was trying to take the throne. But Roderick got the throne and threw you parents in the dungeon.  Before Roderick did your father said that when you ask what class they were to tell you all this.  Sincerity will tell you the rest.”

Sincerity said “he also told us to tell you that we are magical not just that we can talk but more.” 

 Meritt  said “  I want you to touch Sincerity and say noitulover” Lisa thought it was a wired request but did as she was told. She touched Sincerity and said

“noitulover” all of a sudden Sincerity flouted in the air and grew gold wings and a gold horn and turned white and her main and tail turned gold then she landed and said

“Now go touch Meritt and say eihpos” this also a strange request but did as she was told She touched Meritt and said

“Eihpos” then all of a sudden Meritt flouted in the air and grew huge he grew big brown wings and 2 more legs a long tail his feathers became fur then landed.

Sincerity said “I am now a Pegasus and Meritt is a griffin.  Now I want you to get a flexible stick, some stiff sticks, some string and some stones.”  When Lisa came back Sincerity said

“ now  tie….” But before she could finish Lisa had made a bow and some arrows.  Then Meritt said

“ah one of the special talents her parents were talking about” but Lisa didn’t notice she was staring at what she just did. then Sincerity said

“your instinct will show you how to use it now fire at that tree.”  Then suddenly wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz an arrow flew threw the air and then thunk it hit right in the middle of a tall oak tree.  Then Meritt said

“Now we are going to train you to use your talents and then we well take the throne from Roderick” 

(original and unedited)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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