Winter Thoughts

Zachoia Cooper
(age 13)

One of my favorite things about winter is the icicles. They look so pretty and they are fascinating. When the snow melts, I can see icicles forming on the eaves of my roof from the dining room window. Drip! Drip! They are formed one drop at a time. From my vantage point, they catch the sun and shine like diamonds. This adds to the already gorgeous sight of the snow covered houses, yards, and roads. Sometimes, when I am outside, I break icicles off the bushes and study them.  I hold them up to the sun so these icicles can catch the sun, too. Then, I try to melt the them.   There is one icicle that I cannot melt. I have never broken it off the roof because it would be too hard. This icicles forms above my deck at the end of the gutter when it snows really hard. When all the snow melts, it forms a gigantic icicle. The thickest point can get to be almost as big as my fist. My siblings and I like to see get bigger and bigger.  So when winter comes around, I always look forward to the gorgeous, sun-catching, fascinating, icicles.

Three Reasons

Winter is my favorite season
And it will always be
If you ever ask the reason
I will give you three

One, it snows and it is cold
Much preferred to heat
Two, when snow covers autumn’s gold
It makes the earth white and neat

Three, winter is the arrival sign
Of the season of basketball
And it is a cozy time
To be with family, friends, and all

If you are between the ages of 4-14,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.

Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Great description in the prose, and I really enjoyed the poem too. Thanks!

  2. Winter can be very beautiful.
    I enjoyed your observations
    on icicles. You did a really
    good job with your poem.
    Keep writing!



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