"Clouds, Climbing, and Castle Conversations"

(photo by Mid Sutsman) 

Clouds, Climbing, and Castle Conversations.
by Zachoia Cooper
(age 13) 

“Look at that cloud! It looks like a fast runner.”

“That cloud looks like a fire-breathing dragon and―why are you giggling?”

“Because the grass blades tickle my neck as we lie here, and ants crawl on me and tickle me more.” 

“I don’t like the tickling grass and ants. That is why I will sit up now. 
Look! That cloud looks like a lazy stream."

“And that cloud looks like a tree. Hey! Want to go climb a tree?”

“Sure! How high up can you go?”

“I went all the way to the top of that oak once. My mom got scared and made me get down, though.” 

“Well, I am climbing this maple. Ho! See me here on my throne? Look and fear, for I am the great--albeit evil--Jim-Jim the Judge! You are my prisoner. The prison is the rock, by the way. Go!”

“Ha! Well, I’m Fred-Fred the Friendly and I am mighty! I just tore down the wall of the dungeon. I’m free. Come chase me.”

“I will get you!”

“Uh-uh! Catch me if you can!” 

“Stop! Your mom is calling you for dinner, so I automatically win.”

“But you’re the bad guy.”

“Oh yeah. OK, I lose. Well, bye. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye. We can play Castle again tomorrow!”

“Yeah! Now my mom is calling me for dinner. OK, bye.”

(original and unedited)

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