Iron Man's New Suit

Iron Man's New Suit
Samuel Shunk
(age 8)

In New Yourk Tony Stark was in a battle. They were arguing about their inventions.

Mines the best, said the other who invented something that gave him powers. And everybody knows that Tony Starks is Iron Man! Finally they agreed to bring their inventions and fight!

Hours later . . . ting, bang, shing, boom. The battle was on. Power at 84 percent. Aa!
It was over. Iron Man surrendered.

God, said Tony, please help me feel better over silly inventions.

Tony, said God, the man is going to use his invention for evil.

What shall I do, Lord?

I will give you some metal from Heaven and I want you to use iron and make an iron man suit.

Ok, Lord.  Bong, tink!  Hours later – There it is , white with a yellow mask.

Now go.

Where is he?

In Israel.

Bye, Zoom!  Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Remember me? Bang



How did you do that? Bang, bong, zing! I didn’t hurt you?


Bang, boom, wham! I surrender!

Iron Man won!

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Very good story, Samuel!
    I like the part where Tony Stark
    asks God for help.
    Keep writing!



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