Should I Trust?

Should I Trust?
Hope Berkenheiser
(age 12)

                Christine Stock dashed out of the school. "I'll see you on Monday," she called over her shoulder to her friends. She wanted to go home and take care of Midnight, her new horse. She thought,  "I hope Mom hasn't done anything with Midnight because she might do something wrong."

                After she had gotten home and had rushed through her snack, she dashed outside and called, "Midnight! Midnight! Good girl," she said when her horse trotted slowly up to her. "Why are you limping?"she asked as she carefully picked up her horse's foot." There's no stone in your foot." Christine shrugged and led her horse to the barn.

                Later, Christine was busily getting her horse ready for the night. " Why are your legs swollen?" she inquired as she saw Midnight going slowly to her stall. " Well," thought Christine, "she must just be tired. Then her horse collapsed on the barn floor.

                 "Is that you, Christine?" asked her mother."Why- what's the matter?" she asked when she saw Christine's ashen face.                                           
                  " Oh! Mother, something's terribly wrong with Midnight, "Christine gasped." Her legs are swollen and she laying down and won't get up!"

                " I'll call the vet!" exclaimed Mother, "You go stay with Midnight."

                A couple hours later a worried Christine crawled into bed. Her mother came to tuck her in.
" The vet says we will have to wait till the morning to see if she will be O.K. She just has a bad case of founder," Mother said, " You need to trust God to take care of Midnight."

                "But how can I?" asked Christine," He's the one that let this happen!"

                "Well," Mother answered, "sometimes God tests us to help us trust Him more."

                "I will trust God," exclaimed Christine," even if Midnight doesn't get better!"

                In the morning Christine jumped out of bed and ran to the barn. "Midnight," she anxiously called. An answering whinny came from the stall and she saw Midnight stand up.

                "Oh, you're better!" she cried," I'm glad I trusted God to take care of you."

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
 Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Ah, very wise lesson in it. Thanks.

  2. It is good to do all we can and then pray and trust God. Good story!


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