Seasons and Flowers

The Seasons

Hot Drinks
Skating Rinks

New Flowers

School Ending
Rain Showers

Going to the Pool
For the Fair

Leaves Fall
Start of School
Brisk air

Winter: Old
Spring: New
Summer: Slow
Autumn: Brisk

Zachoia Cooper
(age 13)

Flowers come in a great variety of kinds, and in a rainbow of colors. 

 Poppies, which are a brilliant red with black in the middle of their cups, have only one middle-sized flower on the stem and can cover whole fields with their blossoms. 

The Canary's Vine flower is most unusual, for the flowers yellow which creep along the vine look like they have wings! 

Nasturtiums are huge, orange flowers which grow on a squash-like plant. Although some would think that they are scraggly weeds, a closer look at the at a clump of mignonette reveals that the stalks actually have little white flowers. 

Similarly,the blue cornflower might not seem like anything more than a weed when seen strewn across a field, but they are really very beautiful if you take a closer look. 

Though they come in many different kinds, shapes, colors, and sizes, all flowers are unique, wonderful creations of God.

(original and unedited)

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is very informative! You know lots about flowers. Much more than I do. Thank you for sharing:)


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