The Scruffy Story

Abby Degnan
(age 14 )
      A scruffy puppy dog,  a Pomeranian poodle, was digging around a trash can one day looking for his lunch.   Sadly, he couldn't find anything.  So he roamed the streets. He sat by a bench waiting for someone to come by with food, then he would put a cute face on and they would toss some food to him. Well, someone was so overtaken by this dog that she decided to keep him.

      “My name is Mia.” The lady told him. The lady had wavy blond hair and dazzling blue eyes.  “My daughter Sandy will love you!” Mia said.

      Mia picked  up the dog. The dog didn't expect himself to be taken in. Though, he enjoyed the women’s gentle touch. When they walked into the house, immediately a little girl came running out. The girl had blond hair also with green playful eyes. 

    “Sandy, this is your new dog!” Mia exclaimed.  “What will you name her?”

    Sandy thought about this for a while.  “Poofy.” She said in a high tone.

    “Poofy? Alright, it’s your dog. Though, if it were my dog, I’d name it Scruffy.” Mia said.

    The little girl looked at the dog. “Scruffy!” she yelled. 

     She grabbed the dog, whose name was now Scruffy, and ran to her room. She wrapped a tight ribbon around Scruffy’s neck, almost making him choke! Sandy, without even knowing it would abuse the poor dog. She would starve Scruffy, or handle him the wrong way!  Though, as Sandy got older, she learned how to properly take care of the dog. Scruffy was now being pampered by Sandy. Except, a few years later after that Sandy left home, for something called college.

     Scruffy was left alone. Mia didn't pay much attention to him anymore either.

     After a while, When Scruffy had the chance, he ran away from his home into the dangerous streets.  when he ran away through the cold,crisp day. He was alone again. All alone. He would be digging in the trash cans again for the rest of his life.

     A long, long time passed and Scruffy was growing old. When he was in search for his lunch he heard someone call his name. More voices calling his name. Then in the distance he saw his dear Sandy. . .  and a man? The man was holding a little baby.

   Sandy ran to the dog and hugged the dog dearly. The man came closer.

   “This must be the famous Scruffy. We've been looking all over for you boy.” The man said.

   “Scruffy, meet my husband ,Jason.” Sandy said.

  Scruffy almost fainted at the word “husband”. Has it really been that long?

“This is Jason Jr. Though, J.J for short. I knew you would be the perfect dog for our baby. Did you ever think I would forget you?” Sandy said rubbing Scruffy’s scruffy head.

 The dog barked happily. Scruffy was taken home with Sandy, Jason, and J.J. The rest of Scruffy’s happy life was spent protecting J.J. Scruffy would protect the dear son of Sandy for the rest of his life.

                                                                                        The Scruffy End

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
 I would like to post your story here.

Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy Scruffy got a good home at the end! I wasn't expecting that! Good job!


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