Polliwog Summer Writing Contest

by Annika Sher
(age 9)

Starzan was a constellation. He sparkled brighter than any other  constellation except one, Ursa Major. His stars were comets. O, Starzan was so JEALOUS! 

One day while all of the constellations were sleeping, including Ursa Major, Starzan took one of Ursa Major's stars and replaced it with one of his. Now Starzan had 1 comet and Ursa Major had 1 star. 

The next day he did the same thing. And the next, and the next, and the next. Until Starzan had all comets and Ursa Major had all  stars. 

This interested Ursa Minor.( He was Ursa Major's best friend.) He took a look at Starzan (ST) He  was known for having 1 black hole. Now Ursa Major had a black hole!  

Ursa Major (UMA) And Minor (UMI) made a plan. UMA was going to borrow 2 of UMI's stars and say that the black hole gave him the stars. So they did the plan and ST said he was sorry, so him and UMA traded stars and comets and were happy! 

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. You're so creative, Annika! LOVE this story (and you!)

  2. Good job Annika. I am very impressed that a 9 year old knows about stars, constellations, black holes, jealousy and saying sorry. Marcia A. Lahti

  3. So glad they worked things out to be who they were meant to be! Very catchy story...and I learned from you today too :)

  4. well done. Your mom must be very proud of you.

  5. Very good story, Annika!
    You have a great imagination.
    Keep writing. I want to read
    more of your stories.


  6. What a great imagination, Annika! I love your story and hope you continue to write.

  7. Annika this is a wonderful story! I'm so glad I had a chance to read it, I sure hope you keep writing! :)

  8. Great job! I loved reading your creativity and science knowledge. You even added Moral Focus virtues too! Way to go! This teacher is proud! :). I'd love to read more of your stories. Enjoy your summer.

    Mrs. Maxted

  9. Annika, I sure did learn lots in this story! Good job! <3

  10. Well done, Annika! You have been blessed with a wonderful imagination and a gift for writing. Keep it up!

    Mrs. Scherkenbach

  11. I love the name Starzan. =]
    Jealousy sure makes us do things we shouldn't do. I'm so glad they got things straightened out and were happy in the end.

    Good job, Annika! =]

  12. Finding the Big Dipper in Ursa Major and looking at the stars and planets some of my favorite things to do. I enjoyed your creative story. I would describe it as "stellar." Super work, Annika!

  13. How very fun! I really enjoyed your story, Annika. Especially how they were all able to work everything out in the end, so everyone could be happy. Good job! Keep on writing.

  14. I really enjoyed your story! I'm glad to see you are still writing. You are so creative.
    Love, Aunt Lois


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