The Stroll

Summer Writing Contest

The Stroll
Annika Sher
(age 9)

There was a little unicycle
who felt so glum,
that all he could eat
was a small little plum.

He never felt dandy,
so he never ate candy
He never felt nice,
so he never ate rice.
He never felt happy,
so he never ever ate tomatoes.
(he was allergic)

He was tired of being glum
so one day he went for a nice little stroll,
until he came to a highway toll.
He paid the fine and passed a mine.
Then went to Meijer and bought a tire.
What he did next was type a text,
then rode on a bus with a bike named Gus,
talked for a while as they rode a mile,
talked about love while they fed a dove,
laughed a bunch and then had lunch,
watched a movie that was really groovy,
and said goodbye after they ate some pie.
Then he listened to some rap and took a nap,
and ate a meal that was not teal
As he went to bed, he said,

“I feel so dandy, and I can eat candy!
I feel so nice, and I can eat rice!
I feel so happy!
But I still won't eat tomatoes.
And I feel so great now!”
Then he dreamed he owned a big fat cow.


If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. What a busy day for the glum unicycle! I bet he was hungry after doing all of that. Thanks for posting such a beautiful poem. I really enjoyed it and hope you'll post more!

  2. I am very impressed with this clever and witty poem! Very fun, Annika...keep up the good work.

  3. Love this clever and witty writing Annika! Keep up the good work...

  4. What?! No tomatoes?! :) Love your poem, Annika!

  5. The 'apple' doesn't fall far from the tree!!! Wonderful!!!! and starting out so young is amazing!

  6. What a fun poem, Annika. I hope you keep writing them.

  7. Great poem, Annika! I love reading what you write!


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the Polliwog Kids