Bubble Poem

Polliwog Summer Writing Contest
(topic - BUBBLES) 

Eileen Armstrong
(age 12) 

O, how I love the way bubbles float,
not on the water like a boat,
but in the air so light and free.
O, how I wish that it were me
floating high above the house,
floating as quiet as a mouse.
Floating higher, higher still,
I think it would be quite a thrill.
Floating free and off the ground,
then I make a scary sound.
POP! I go and down I fall
in soapy drops, tiny and small.
Falling faster, faster still,
falling, falling more until
I wake up and realize
I had only fantasized
 that it was me
floating oh so light and free.
Although a bubble I am not,
I know as I lay on my cot,
some day Jesus will come for me.
Then I will float light and free
some day for eternity.

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
 I would like to post your story here.
 Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. What a wonderful poem from a wonderfully talented girl!
    Your poem made me float away for a little while, Eileen,
    and I love it! ;-)

  2. I really like this poem, Eileen!
    Very good job.
    Please keep writing!


  3. This is absolutely delightful, Eileen. Meant to comment before, but forgot. :)


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the Polliwog Kids