Faith for the Rain

Faith for the Rain

 (A narrative poem)

Ashley Jones
(age 15)

The farmers were working very hard to hand water their crops each day
The green plants were turning brown, on the ground their leaves lay.
They needed rain to come to water their crops, you see
Without it they didn't know what their lives would come to be.
The long winter was coming, what would they feed their familys at night?
All of their thoughts turned to fright.
They had a prayer meeting at church the next day
The farmers gathered together, and began to pray.
They decided that their situation was grim,
But as they were leaving the sky started to dim.
The clouds grew darker, small drops started to fall
When the farmers decided they shouldn't leave after all.
Back into the church they quickly went,
Praising God for the answer to the prayer they had just sent.
The rain continued to fall, and formed large puddles on the ground.
The farmers went home that night with a new lesson they had found.
You can have faith, even when your situation doesn't seem great,
God hears your prayers, He will never be late.
The farmers always remembered that lesson, it was plain.....
No matter what your problem, God will bring the rain.

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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