Thurston Bhurston and Deep, Deep Goo

Thurston Bhurston, and Deep, Deep Goo
Zachoia Cooper
(age 14)

Once there was a man named Thurston Bhurston who liked to invent stuff. All kinds of stuff. All kinds of useless stuff. He liked to make noisy stuff and stuff with bright lights and fast-moving stuff, but never any useful stuff. People always said that some day he would get in deep goo if he continued to waste all his time making stuff. People waited for that time to come. In the mean time, his stuff drove people crazy. All that STUFF!!!!!!! 
Then, one morning a policeman came into town. He said “I have a complaint from the town 1,200 miles from here called Milltown. They say that noises come from your town day and night. It drives them crazy. I am here to investigate.” 
“Oh, oh.” people said. “ That Thurston Bhurston is sure in deep goo now.”
But the policeman just listened for a second then said “ Ha! I knew that it was nothing. The people in Milltown are crazy to think they can hear noises from a town 1,200 miles away.”
Then he left.
About a month later, another policeman came. “ I have a complaint from Milltown. They say that noises come from your town day and night. Not only that, but occasionally they see bright lights. It drives them crazy. I am here to investigate.” 
“ Oh, oh.” people said. “ That Thurston Bhurston is sure in deep goo now.”
But the police man just went to the town square, looked around and said “I don’t see anything. I’ll just go home. I really didn’t believe that the people in Milltown could hear noises and see lights from 1,200 miles away. They must just be crazy people.” 
Then he left.
About a month after that, another policeman came.
“Listen up. I have a complaint from Milltown saying that they hear loud noises and see bright flashes of light morning, noon, and night. And to add insult to injury, they feel strong gusts of wind coming from your town.
“ Oh, oh.” people said. “ That Thurston Bhurston is sure in deep goo now.”
But the police man just closed his eyes and stood still for a moment then said “Just as I suspected. I don’t feel anything. I must go now seeing as I have an important meeting with the police chief. Maybe they can hear noises and see lights but it just wouldn’t be possible for the people of Milltown to feel anything from 1,200 miles away. They must be a little crazy.” 
Then he left.
About a month after that, another policeman came. “ I have a complaint from Milltown. They say that the other policemen didn’t solve any of their problems. It drives them crazy. I am here to investigate.” 
“Oh, great.” people said. “ Here we go again.”
All of the sudden, they heard a loud noise followed by bright, flashing lights, and they felt something rush past them. The thing turned around and went back towards Thurston Bhurston’s workshop. Then they heard a loud crash. People ran toward the workshop. When they looked inside, it was quite a sight. Thurston Bhurston sat on the floor, covered by all this deep, slimy, goo.
“What happened!?!?!?” people cried.
“Well, I made a machine solely out of goo. The goo reflects the sun to make bright lights, and the grooves in the machine are designed to make noise when it drives. I designed it in such a way that when it went really fast, the pressure held it together. I just forgot that it would fall apart once it stopped.”
“Hmmm.” said the policeman. “Thinking of that was pure genius. And you make machines that bothered the people of Milltown from 1,200 miles away. Your talents seem to be going to waste on all this stuff. There is a government position for inventors to invent stuff to help the army, policemen, firemen and many other people. How would you like to join?”
“It’s a deal!” Thurston Bhurston shouted. He packed up his things and he and the policeman left.
Now people still talk about Thurston Bhurston. They are enjoying the peace and quiet. The people of Milltown are too. Thurston Bhurston has actually made some important contribution to America.

          And people still laugh and say “ Oh,oh. That Thurston Bhurston sure got himself in deep, deep, goo.”  

(original and unedited)

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 (or know someone who likes to write stories)
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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