Hat Activities

Hat Activities!
Simon Slider, Age 10

It has been a very good summer, probably one of the best I ever had. We went swimming, played bowling, and did a lot of other fun things. One of my favorite things was the hat activities. In case you don’t know what those are, let me tell you.

Hat activities is where we have a garden hat, and inside it are usually five or less activities that we pick from to do on that day. We shuffle them around, and the one we pick that day is the place we go to usually after Mom finishes her bath.

Two of the hat activities we did were Omni Theater ones. You know what? Surprisingly enough, the first and last ones were the Omni Theater activities. They were both really exciting movies. The first one was Flight of the Butterflies, which talked about the migration that butterflies do year round. The other one (Amazing Fact: I saw this one yesterday.), Space Junk, talked about the junk that is all around us in outer space. I thought that someone should really stop littering out there! But you know what actually makes space junk? The space junk that’s already out there! It turns out that when satellites and other objects collide together, they explode, making in turn, more space junk.

Another couple of the hat activities were garden activities. The first one was the BRIT, which stands for Botanical Research Institute of Texas. They talked about energy waves and plants and the sun. They also had a roof garden, which we didn’t get to see because only scientists and researchers can get in. The other one was the Dallas Arboretum, which was a lot bigger. It had all sorts of plants and trees, a prairie-themed exhibit, and even an Alice in Wonderland exhibit. They even had a toad corners, where you can get soaking wet after looking at the flowers.

We also had an art museum exhibit, with lots of beautiful pictures and sculptures. In a couple of the paintings, a new man has come to town and is playing a card game with another guy, although I think someone should warn the new guy that in each of the paintings the guy who is playing against the new person is cheating!  

But most of what we did this summer was swimming. We mainly went to Bedford Splash. Bedford Splash is a big waterpark that has a couple of big water slides and a lazy river which is very relaxing. I think the only other time we went to a different waterpark was Randol Mill. They only have one slide, a bigger lazy river, and most of Randol Mill Waterpark’s water was only below 4 feet deep. 

I also wrote a novel that is forty pages, which includes Me, my cat Ravenkit, Ravenkit’s real sister Hollykit, Ravenkit’s not so real brother Dewkit, and a bunch of my favorite video game and book characters. Even a couple of my fan characters I created. Every one in the book is 3 years older from now, so I’m literally a teen in the story.

Well, anyway, that’s pretty much what I did this summer. I may have forgotten a few of our hat activities this summer, but that’s okay. I hope you like this description of hat activities, so I’ll see you next time! 

(Original and Unedited)

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