Cyborg Mission #1

Cyborg missions #1

by Elias Dodge 
(age 11)

Chapter 1
How it began

Hi I'm Aaron and about to tell you a story.

It all started out when my six year old sister Sydney and my brother Peter or Pete were playing cards in my room. My robot Ash was charging his batteries plugged into an outlet in the corner of the room. We were playing our favorite card game Skip Bo. Pete put a one card down, and made a new pile. Then Pete put two Skip Bos, and a four down. Then he put down a six in front of him.

"Don't have any more moves" Pete said in his little five year old voice. He had learned to play skip bo after he learned how to count up to twelve. He had really wanted to play ever since he first watched me and Sydney play. Sydney sighed, and put a nine in front of herself.

"No more moves for me" she said. I put down a five a six and a seven on top of Pete's four. Then I put a one down and started a new pile. I then put an eleven in front of myself.

"I at least got us farther into the game" I said. So far the game wasn't going too well. I sighed.

"I sure hope it's not going to be like this the whole game" I said. Pete looked at his cards and nodded in approval. Sydney nodded as well. Chuck, Pete's robot, zoomed in and chuckled.

"You're never going to guess this joke," he said. I never really liked his laugh. Since he was a robot his laugh sounded more like some evil guy's slow evil laugh.

"Why did the spider get a car?" Chuck asked.

"I don't know" I said. Chuck looked at Sydney and Pete. Sydney just shrugged.

"I don't know either" Pete said. Chuck must have downloaded it to his memory, I thought.

"To take it out for a spin" Chuck said. Chuck laughed that annoying laugh once again. I really wished Pete would find a different laugh for Chuck. Pete and Sydney laughed. I forced a chuckle. I wasn't really up to jokes at the moment.

"Lets keep ..."

"Time to go" Mom yelled up the stairs, interrupting what I was about to say.

"Playing" I mumbled.

At this time I was seven years old. My birthday had been a few weeks and I had gotten the Skip Bo game that we had been playing before we had to leave.

We climbed into our red sedan and off we went. On route one we stopped at the red stop lights. Many cars were crossing route one because it was rush hour. It was a very cold icy snowy day in February. I saw a police car parked on the side of Lincoln avenue making sure cars were going at safe speeds. Then the light turned green. We were the first ones to go since we were at the front of the line. 

Suddenly I heard squealing brakes and smelt burning rubber. I looked to my right and saw a car that had tried to stop in time but was to late and had slipped across the ice. It was coming right toward us and I could see the frightened face on the driver. The car slammed into us. Then the only thing in my world was smoke stinging pain and sirens.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Great writing, Elias. I can't wait to see what happens. (I'd also love to have my own personal robot.)

  2. You did a great job with dialogue, Elias! I'm VERY curious to know what will happen to everyone!

  3. I really like your story, Elias!
    Great imagination.
    I want to see how this story
    turns out.



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