In Search of a Normal Life

In Search of a Normal Life
by Rowan Champeon
(age 11)

(Things to know before you read.)
Mike's powers are to control electricity so he can control anything that uses electricity. He has super strength, super sight, super hearing, and super speed, as well as the ability to heal people and himself, plus he can fly. His weakness is guns, but they don't affect him unless he can see them. If he sees them he is paralyzed until he can't see the gun. When he no longer sees the gun he still can't use his powers for two weeks, is very weak, and can't move very much during that time. Rakmid's power is that he can read your mind unless you focus on not letting him read your mind. Not all people have powers. powers are genetic modifications that give people special abilities.


Akkormonniks are places where people are given helmets that they must wear at all the times. The helmets make whoever has them on fight one another and these persons can only use the powers the computer wants them to when it wants them to. It is know, as a bad place were a bunch of people fight each other one by one. The one who kills all opponents wins.  They fight each other just so people can pay money to watch.

Anti-power Helmets make the persons who wear them unable to use their powers.

Appatron is the base of the Military organization.

Bounty Hunter City is an underground city where all the aliens and bounty hunters live

Info Droid or Brain Bot is a robot that is like an encyclopedia. It knows everything that is known about everything.

Military Organization is the Military for the entire world created to stop revolts, evil Aliens trying to take over the world, and to stop crime.

Lightarangs look like a double sided light saber which is exactly what they are. The only difference is that they are made for throwing and always come back to you no matter what.

Peace Island is like Peace road only on an Island.

Peace road is a road where all chasing of powers is stopped except chasing extremely powerful ones.

Stun glove shoots a laser that stuns whoever it hits for an hour or more depending how long you want them to be stunned.

Terminals are giant tubes of water that go under ground and are made of glass where you can breath the water goes super fast. They were made to take you to wherever you want to go and are like super high tech roads. There is lots of high tech security systems in the Terminals.

Chapter One

“Hi son, it's time for your first day of school,” announced my dad. “First that promise I made to your mom and myself to tell you who you are and where you came from,” he said. “This is my story that I will tell you now but I will only tell it to you if you don't ask a single question,” he made me promise.

“Ok, dad, I won't. Please begin now. You know how much I want to hear this story,” I said, wanting the story to start as soon as possible.

“Ok, I will begin now” that’s when he began to tell me story of how he became as normal as one could become if he was working for the Peace organization. “I was in the Akkormonniks. A computer was trying to tell me how to fight for the millionth time, but I had my own ways. I was trying to dodge every single brick my opponent was throwing at me. I had a plan to make the entire system go haywire. I was going to cut the line that made me so that I could only use my powers when it wanted me to. Finally, one of the bricks cut that wire, I was free! So I quickly, made it so that only I was allowed to escape. 

As I went out the door I heard a voice, “experiment dangerous!” It was Rakmid.

“that is no longer my name,” I said, quickly making up a new very common name. “My name is Mike, I'm leaving now, good by,” I said.

I was off at the speed of light on the greatest adventure of my life. Finally, I stopped running. I looked behind me there was no followers. So the first thing I did was look for a large house which would mean that they were rich so that I could become a servant there.

Meanwhile, at the meeting hall...

“He has escaped again,” one man said

“who has escaped?” another asked.

“the newest one,” the first person to speak answered.

“Come on, out of all the ones to escape why does he have to be the one that escapes.” he sighed.

(to be continued)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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