Cyborg Mission #2

Chapter 2
Being a Cyborg
Elias Dodge
(age 11)

Two years later, Aaron awoke to hear his parents' voices.

"Morning hun" said his Mom's voice.
"Morning son" said his Dad's voice.
"Mom? Dad?" said Aaron.

Suddenly the words "Computer booting" appeared before his eyes.

"What are these words I'm seeing?" he mumbled.

System loading...

"Huh? What?" mumbled Aaron.

Eyesight loading...

"I've got perfect eyesight, you!" he said, bolting up, and hitting his head on an examining light.

"Ouch!" Aaron cried out, and rubbed his head. Then he looked up at the examining light.
"I don't remember there being an examining light there" he said to himself.

Then he looked around and said "I thought Mom and..." he caught himself mid sentence.

"This isn't my room" he breathed.

He started looking around the room. There was doctor's equipment all over the place. He then realized that he was on an examining table. What struck him most was that there were mechanic's tools as well.

"What surgery would need mechanic's tools?" he almost whispered.

Then he saw something that caught his eye and he wasn't sure if he could look at it. He took a deep breath and looked to his left. There were two other examination tables, and on them were two bodies covered by light blue sheets. They were both in comas. He looked over them and gasped. There were three screens with x-ray photos of himself, Sydney, and Pete. Aaron could see his right arm was gone, and that he had burns all over. His collarbone was broken, half his ribs were broken, and his hip as well. Sydney's left arm was gone, and she also had burns all over. Her collarbone was broken, and a few ribs. But Pete was the worst. His whole torso was shattered, and his skull was broken.

"Please tell me this is just a nightmare" Aaron sobbed.

He swallowed hard. He inhaled, and then exhaled. Again he inhaled, and then exhaled, sighed deeply, rolled over, and then went to sleep.

(To Be Continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.

Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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