The Magic Watch

The Magic Watch
Warren Champeon
(age 11)

One day a watch was on a rich man's hand. But when the rich man went swimming he forgot to take off his watch. So the watch broke. 

The rich man thew the watch away, but the watch was a magic watch. So soon as it was put in the trash, the watch had legs and started to walk. 

Then a poor boy tripped over the watch. The boy said, "Ouch" and the watch said. "Ouch".The boy said "hi my name is Greg" Warren said "hi my name is Warren."

Then Warren's arms started to spin and spin. Then wish and whoosh! They were in a big castle. Warren was the king and Greg was the price. So they lived there for a few days. 

Till one day there was a army attacking the castle. So Warren shouted, "Guards!", So the guards Defended the castle and Warren and Greg went inside the castle. 

Warren said, "Hold on". Then there was a wish and a whoosh! Greg was home Warren was on his shelf. So the magic watch and the boy lived happily ever after. 

The end.

(Lesson #2 - Polliwog Writing Lessons)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.

Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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