In Search of a Normal Life, Part Ten

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


Meanwhile, Raven had nearly caught up to me so I flew away and used my super speed while flying to find a place to hide in the city so Raven and her men gave up catching me for now. Raven went to her boss and her brother who had taught her all she knew about fighting now he hadn't helped her on her missions in quite a long time but she asked him to help her on this mission anyway.
            “Raven, of course I can help now, but how am I to help you now that you have a lot of experience?” her brother said to her ignoring her arguments that she had already said.
            “You know as well as I do that the injections that make you able to find anything you want to find have taken full effect,” said Raven in a very persuading voice.
            “Well I guess you're right, but only if you fully understand that this mission if successful will be my doing not yours. I know you don't understand why I hesitate but I am only doing so to ask you this?: Would you mind me telling all your friends that you failed your mission and that you had to ask me for help. that I really made this mission successful” said her brother explaining his hesitance
            “I'm just afraid he will figure out that what once was his girlfriend not only is no longer his girlfriend but is also my sister. Giving him two reasons to kill her he only needs one more reason and he will try to kill her” said Raven.
            “What reason might that be?” asked her brother.
            “Maybe that she is part of the Military organization” Raven replied.

Meanwhile I had been watching and hearing all that they said and only now did I realize that I had 3 reasons to kill Lyda. I decided against doing that and decided that since both of my enemies were here I should go someplace else. It was then that I began to realize that I loved this city. I loved Its people, the walkways, the beautiful wild life, the plants. and trees, but most of all I loved the natives of the city and of all the island. The real reason why was that I felt at home here. It was a great fealing and that my old best friend was buried here. I had never felt at home before.
 “Look, its the guy we are looking for. Lets get him” yelled Raven's brother. I ran from Raven and her brother when I heard this.
            “Hello, this is the I.N.C. or the Intentional News Channel speaking this morning. Sinester the evil alien, escaped from prison and the dreaded Experiment Dangerous was found, but he got away. He is among the citizens of the Island of Peace,” announced the news channel.
The people watching that news channel gasped at the news of me being in the same city as them. I was worrying about Sinnester's escape when:
            “There is Experiment Dangerous stop him!” yelled Raven while I was telling myself this.      “Sinester will take his revenge and will help Raven and her brother to catch me. He now knows where I am”
            “hello citizens of this city. My name is Sinester, future king of all of the human race, right now, however, I am just trying to capture the one named Mike. Or Experiment Dangerous. While I am at it I will take over this city and make it my fortress slash base.” “Space ships attack,” Sinister said.
So the Battle of the Island of Peace began.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

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