In Search of a Normal Life, Part Eleven

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


I saw the guy with the weapons I had when I worked for the Military. I wanted them so that I could defend my home.
So I said to him picking up a weapon that was once an alien leaser cannon, “I’ve got a deal for you. I will give you this leaser cannon for your lousy old double sided light saber slash boomerang,” making his weapon not work so well and making my leaser cannon work really well.
            “Why do you want to trade if yours works better then mine?” he asked not wanting to trade.
            “Well you look like you are the best solder here and that you should be the captain of this entire army and so you deserve this weapon,” I said to make him want the leaser cannon that would usually be used on an alien saucer.
            “Ok you're right I should be captain and you are lower then me. I deserve that weapon. Lets trade,” he said grabbing the leaser cannon and giving me the double sided light saber slash boomerang.
            “Thank you, master, thank you,” I said pretending that he was a lot better then he was.
The first thing I did was explode all the alien ships. Then I began fighting the ground troops so I sliced one in half. Then quickly engaged another. I threw one of my lightarangs (that's their name. Did I forget to mention that they also have electric cables with balls made out of lighting bolts attached to the ends of them) snagging the solders weapon, slicing 8 solders in half, bouncing off a wall and then slicing the solders head off. Then I put the lightarangs on my back and started grabbing alien solders, rolling them up into balls and sending them rolling into other alien solders. Then I realized that I had forgotten to destroy the Mother ship so I used my powers and made lightning slice the mother ship in half thus winning the battle. Then I saw Raven making her way towards me. A wild chase began with me jumping from one solders head to another at the speed of light but then right ahead of me was Raven's brother and Rakmid was with him I slowed down and stopped. That was all Raven needed to catch up to me and attack me so while I was blocking her knockout punches her brother jumped on top of me and tried to keep me still long enough for Rakmid to put steel restraints on me but I dodged him and Ravens punch hit him, but he didn't care. He just turned around and continued to try to keep me still. He finally succeeded, but I broke the restraints.
            “Did you let me put the restraints just so you could break them?” Rakmid asked.

            “No I didn't even know I could break them until you put them on me and so even though I thought I couldn't break them I thought I might as well try. I was very surprised when I broke them and I still am,” surprised that I can break restraints just like that. Then Raven finally hit my head with her knockout punch, but I wasn't knocked out for long but it was enough time for Raven and her brother and Rakmid to put an anti-powers helmet on me. Which made me unable to use my powers. They managed to put me in some extra restraints that Rakmid had brought with him just in case I broke the other restraints before I came to. I managed to use a clothes line we went under to knock off the no powers helmet and then I broke the restraints they had put on me. I grabbed 4 chains, linked them together, and found 4 weights that I connected to the ends of the chains and managed to wrap them around Raven, her brother, and Rakmid. Then I flew off and activated my super speed.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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