In Search of a Normal Life, Part Sixteen

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)

“Raven, Breacrave, Rakmid, Vinda, and Lyda you can come out now. I know you are there. I could hear you with my super hearing, and everything you say echoes making it even easier to know you are there,” I yelled so it echoed down the canyon walls.
            “Surprise,” said Raven from behind I turned just in time to dodge a knockout punch only to find that I was surrounded. I fixed that problem by jumping up in the air making them all slam together, but before I could speed away Breacrave jumped up in the air and grabbed me
Breacrave yelled above my struggles. “Vinda, get the restraints and the anti-power helmet on him now. I can't hold him for much longer.”
            “I got them right here,” yelled Vinda, but she didn't have to yell since everything we said echoed making it really loud. When she put the anti-power helmet on me she found it didn't work.
            “Why won't this work,” she said very annoyed.
            “Well, let me see, maybe because Mike here is making it not work,” Rakmid yelled.
            “Well at least Mike seems to be tiring I'm not sure because he is supposed to have super strength, but wait, he's not tiring. He just tricked me into thinking that so he could get away. Fortunately I have trained to be prepared for tricks like this, and I managed to hold on to him. Hurry, I can't hold on for long,” said Breacrave.
Suddenly I pulled his hand off my leg and said. “This is over. In a minute I will drop you and speed off before you can even think. Then I will be at the boat. Good bye.” With that I sped off only to bump into a man. He was strong, powerful, and his powers were that he could track me down where ever I was and disable my powers
he spoke. “I was just recently made by Mask for one purpose to track down and capture runaway powers!”
            “We will see if you can capture me. You may have disabled my powers, but you haven't disabled me,” I said as boldly as I dared.
            “Men, grab him,” he said. I was quickly swept up by the men and carried to their camp site.
            “Look at him. He can't even eat because the loop around his neck is so tight,” said one of the men.
            “I'm so scared of him right now when he has 8 loops around him one holding his feet, one holding his legs, one holding his upper legs one wrapped around his waist, one wrapped around his chest one holding each arm and one is wrapped tightly around his neck all hanging him upside down with his arms to his sides. What a pitiful sight to see. Hahahaha,” he said laughing at the end. The rest joined him in laughter.
            “Lets pay no attention to him and maybe he will escape,” another said.
They did pay no attention to me and I did escape using the fact that I could use my head. I reached up and cut the ropes with my teeth. Then I cut the rope holding my chest, then the rope holding my right arm and you know the rest.
Quickly I went to an old abandoned barn and got some straw and twine that I had seen earlier and made a scarecrow all the while in super speed so they didn't notice what I did until I was long gone. Then I used my super speed, went back, and got a job working at a steel factory.
            “Now son get on the bus. Its time for you to have your first day of school but the story is not over. So when you get back home and have finished your homework I will tell you the rest of the tale see you later, good bye.”

(The End)

(original and unedited)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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