The Little Puppy

The Little Puppy
Chloe Shunk

Once a little puppy came to his mother and said "wher's big brother?"

Mother said, "let us go to the park and I will tell you where he is, ok.

So at the park Mother said "big brother got captured. You might get captured also so be carful."
One day copper (the little puppy) was on a walk. He was having alot of fun until he saw a net flying in the air. The next minute he was under the net. He started barking for his mother but it was no yus.

 Five Years Later
One day copper was in a cage and some people that looked very nice bot him. When he got home the people gave him some yumy food and a very soft bed to sleep on.

The End 

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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