The Night that Changed New Landia (part 2)

The Night that Changed New Landia
Written by the
Polliwog Pages Rockland Library Students
(Oliver, Dominic, Gabriel, Gloria, Elizabeth, Sena,
Genevieve, Sadie, Jacinta, Evelyn, Eliot)

(Parts between # are exact quotes from students.)

Part Two
The Empty Pond

Suzana had reached the Winchesters before I rumbled up to the ranch. I could see her and Jonathan and his sister, May, standing in the pasture. I parked my truck and joined them. They didn’t appear to be arguing about the cow but staring at the ground. It was then, I noticed that it was where the creek flowed into their pond, but now it was nothing more than a muddy bowl in the middle of a hayfield.

“Mister Johnson!” called Suzana. “Look at their pond. It’s gone!”

Jonathan said, “Hello, Mister Johnson. I can’t believe it. It was here when May and I left this morning. We were heading to town to buy some new swimming toys at our brother’s hardware store.“ 
~ # ~

“I’m bored,” said May. “Tell me a story.”

“What kind of story,” Jonathan asked.

“One with dragons – good dragons, though,” said May.

“Do you like stories with good fighting against evil?”

“Yes, oh, yes! Very much!” May replied.

“Okay, this is the ongoing Adventure of Ragwing, Flame, and Vinewhip. Once upon a time, in a land called Dragonvale, there lived three noble knights who served the powerful light dragon.

One day while they were playing dragon tag, an eerie green light shot through the sky and disappeared. Suddenly everything went dark.

The three knights flew to the light dragon’s castle and told him about the eerie green light. “

It was then that Jonathan and May arrived at the store, so they decided to continue the story later. They hurried to where the summer supplies always were and chose the three funnest-looking ones and bought them. Soon they were hurrying home, parcels in hand, and thinking about what fun they would have in their pond. Since their minds were occupied, it seemed to take less time than the trip to town.
~ # ~

Jonathan told Mister Johnson, “When we got back, we were surprised to find that our pond had dried up.”

“What’ll we do now?” asked May, but no one had an answer.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my sleeve. “I don’t know, kids. It’s really strange – almost as if someone pulled the plug in a bathtub.” We all stood there, staring at the empty pond for about ten minutes. I shook my head. “I don’t know what to say, but I’ve got to continue my route.” I shook my head again. “It’s strange – very strange.”

(to be continued)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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