The Night that Changed New Landia

The Night that Changed New Landia
Written by the
Polliwog Pages Rockland Library Students
(Oliver, Dominic, Gabriel, Gloria, Elizabeth, Sena,
Genevieve, Sadie, Jacinta, Evelyn, Eliot)

(Parts between # are exact quotes of students' writing.) 

Part One
The Missing Cow

Hello, I’m Sam Johnson, the mailman for the island country of New Landia. It’s a satisfying job. Without a wife or family, I can work long hours without being expected home at a certain time. In fact, it takes me two days to complete my whole route. I also have the privilege of meeting some fascinating people.

There are about five thousand citizens of New Landia. Most of them live in Colson City, and the rest are scattered throughout the countryside. That’s where I come in. I deliver mail on the rural route.

Right now, I’m headed for the other side of the island, where the land flattens out into rolling pastures, where the West and Winchester families live. There’s Suzana West riding her horse. She’s waving, but it looks like something is wrong.

As she gallops toward my truck, I slow down and stop. Leaning out of the window, I call to her, “What’s up, Suzana?”

“I’ve lost one of our cows, and I wondered if you had seen it?”

“Sorry. I haven’t seen any loose cows on my route.”

Her horse pranced nervously, as she tried to control it. “I’m heading over to the Winchesters’ ranch,” said Suzana. “I think they have her.”

“Don’t accuse your neighbors of things that aren’t proven true,” I warned. “When did you first notice your cow was gone?”

“Well, this morning started out normally,” she began. “I was running out the door when Aunt Betsy called me back. . .

~ # ~

“Suzana,” called Aunt Betsy, “You need to sit down and eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”

“But, Aunt Betsy, I want to go ride my horse, Buttercup,” said Suzana.

“No buts,” said Aunt Betsy, “You can ride after breakfast.”

So Suzana sat down and ate her breakfast as fast as she could. After breakfast, she ran out the door again.

“Suzana,” called her dad, “You need to do your chores.

“Okay, Dad.”

So Suzana went to the barn and did her chores. It seemed to take forever to take care of all 19 pets: 1 dog named Splotch; 5 horses named Buttercup, Flame, Patches, Topsey, and Dot; 2 cats named Smoke and Fluff; a pig called Oinkers; 3 goats named Mouthy, Bite, and Nip; 5 chickens named Cluck, Peck, Scratch, Corn, and Clover; and 2 rabbits called Carrots and Hoppers.

After she had done the chores, Suzana ran to the screen door and yelled to Aunt Betsy, “I’m going riding now.”

“OK,” said Aunt Betsy, “Count the cattle while you’re at it.”

“OK,” said Suzana.

She tacked up Buttercup and rode to the hill to count the cattle.

~ # ~

Suzana turned her horse to face me. “That’s when I realized that we only had 74 cows, instead of 75. One was missing.” She scowled. “I think Jonathan Winchester has taken it. I’m going to ride over there and see what’s going on . . . and get our cow back!”

“Hold on, Suzana,” I said. “Don’t start trouble over a cow. I’m heading that way. I’ll help you sort this thing out.”

She galloped away, while I followed the dusty road that circled around Mt. Terra and curved along the Winchester Creek. I noticed that clouds had formed around the top of the mountain, hiding its peak. The dormant volcano has been known give off puffs of smoke from time to time, but nothing more than that, as long as anyone has lived on the island.

(to be continued)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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