
Sena Carson
(age 9)

Spirit, a wild mustang, galloped through the woods. Suddenly, a tiny field mouse scurried out in front of him, spooking the large horse. He would have ran smack into a tree had not his had stopped him. "Spirit!' She said in a loud voice. "Spirit." This time her voice was softer.
       When Spirit finally calmed down, his mother took him to a canopied spot in the forest. Here he laid down with her as she broke an apple of one of the trees and gave it to him. As they munched, Spirit worried. Everyday his mother was getting more and more frail. Pain showed in her face when she did easy movements that a mare her age could easily do in seconds. Spirit often worried about his mother. About the day she would die- oh, he never said it aloud, but all the same, it was there. An intense worry for the horse lying beside him. "What would I ever do without you?" He inwardly mourned.
      Soon after, he drifted off to sleep. The next thing he knew, his mother was nuzzling him and saying, "Spirit. Wake up. It's time to get back to camp. The other horses will worry about us.

       That night, after a supper of fish caught from the young foals, Spirit laid down once again with his mother. This time a peace filled his being and he smiled to himself. He was a truly lucky foal.  

(assignment for Polliwog Pages writing lessons)    

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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