The Dog Secret

The Dog Secret
Sena Carlson
(age 10)

      Sam, the mad dog, sulked in a corner. He had just been punished for back-talking his mother. Now as he watched his brothers and sisters play, he wished he had never been born. Sam wasn't a normal dog. Sam was a mad dog. Nobody liked a mad dog, and Sam didn't know how to control his anger.

     One day, a knock came at the door. Rusty, one of Sam's brothers, rushed to fetch it. There stood a tall, brown dog - just like Sam, but he was different. He had on a long, white coat and rectangular glasses that were perched on the tip of his nose. He said nothing but motioned outside.

      Outside, Sam learned that the dog was a special anger doctor. Sam couldn't believe his ears. The special doctor was proposing to help him keep his anger in control - all expenses paid! The doctor worked with him the next few days with a great amount of patience. the doctor would give treats to Sam, then take them away. Sam would throw a fit. He would win a game, and Sam would throw a ft. He would pick one of Sam's brothers instead of him for a game of ball, and Sam would throw a fit. It was always the same. Sam didn't know how to be nice.

        Finally, about a month later, Sam proved success. When the doctor took the treats away from him, won a game, or left Sam out, Sam did not throw a fit or sulk. As the doctor went out of the door for the last time, he turned to Sam and winked. Sam was startled at first- but then he knew it was a secret - a dog's secret.     

(Assignment for Polliwog Pages Writing Lessons)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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