A Fabulous Day

A Fabulous Day
Elias Cooper
(age 9)

My brother Eric’s wedding was one of the best days of my life! I had so much fun!   

At first, tornados were whirling in my stomach because I was nervous about walking Grandma down the aisle. But, when we started walking, the tornados calmed down. After Grandma was seated, I stood with the other groomsmen. I didn’t know if I could stand for half an hour, but I did. 

When Becki walked down the aisle, Eric cried. He was probably thinking, “Oh my goodness! She’s so beautiful! Oh, how could I have deserved her? Ohhh she’s so pretty. I love her so much!” Maybe he was even thinking about how he wanted to kiss her. If so, he is sooooo soppy! 

After the ceremony, I was disappointed over the food. You could order crispy chicken tenders and French fries and ketchup, but that was not clear to my family that they were even there. That’s bad, because after all, I’m the groom’s brother. I got salmon, but the parts without the sauce were dry, and the sauce only covered the middle. My cousin, Christian, got chicken tenders. I tried to trade with him, but he didn’t understand what I said and said, “No thanks. I’m fine.” I later found out he had actually wanted salmon. We were both disappointed. But later, I went to the dessert table and got cake and hot cocoa. That made up for it.

I really enjoyed the dancing. My cousins made an aisle by having a long line of people on each side. I did a cool dance where I hopped and crossed my legs in the air with my hands behind my back. When I took a break from dancing I got one of my favorite drinks -- GINGER ALE! There was no coke or anything–just good ole ginger ale. 

I was extremely happy to see my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents. I played with Christian who is my age. I was happy for Eric and Becki. They were happy too. All in all, it was a fabulous day!

(assignment for Polliwog Writing Lessons)

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