LAB RAT (Chap. 3)

Elias Cooper
(age 11)

Chapter 3: Announced a Super-Villain

NEW SUPER VILLAIN ATTACKS ON HERO PAIR DAY! screamed the news paper headlines. The article read, A mysterious super-villain named Lab Rat attacked our heroic Hero Pair yesterday on Hero Pair Day yesterday. Our dear Victoria was giving a speech when he karate-chopped her shoulder. Reading the paper, Jasper paused and yelled, “I axe kicked her in between her shoulder blades!”

“Are you ok sweetie?” Jasper’s mom poked her head through the door way.

“I’m fine, Mom. The paper says that the super-villain karate chopped Victoria’s shoulder. But I watched the news feed. Lab Rat axe kicked Victoria between the shoulder blades. No one karate chopped her shoulder.”

Ok then. Bye.” she left. Jasper kept reading.

Everyone was running in hysteria when the Hero Pair fought back and bravely defended our city. Victoria said, “That guy Lab Rat’s power must controlling rats and boosting them up with his super-strength. Because when those rats hit me, it actually hurt, like an annoying little boy throwing a temper tantrum and hitting you. But I swear that together, Valor and I will defend this precious city from Lab Rat.” The police have found no sign of Lab rat in the sewer tunnels to which he retreated after being defeated. But the police did get attacked by rats with incredible strength. Officer Kent was struck a crippling blow by a rat. Officer Jacobs, Officer Benith, and Officer Vavenfough are all in critical conditions. Will New York City` be saved from this sinister Lab Rat? I think we all know that answer. The Hero Pair will save us from this villainy!

Once he finished the paper, Jasper was filled with disgust. Didn’t anyone know the Hero Pair’s communist leanings? When he thought about it some more, Jasper retched in the bathroom.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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