Lab Rat (Chap. 2)

Lab Rat
by Elias Cooper (age 11)

Chapter 2: Unwelcome Heroes.

The news was blaring with headlines. 

Two super-powered people had come and declared themselves super-heroes. The Hero Pair were Valor-- a short, African man with gray hair who had flight, super flight speed, super strength, laser eyes, and super hearing--and Victoria, a tall, black haired woman of about 25 who had flight, super flight speed, and could move things with her mind. The “Hero Pair” were currently traipsing about, saving car crashes, little children, and old cats from trees. 

Jasper’s sisters, Ariel, Kylie, Carrey, Anna, Betsy, and Sally were all taken up with the Hero Pair. So was his brother, Charles.  Jasper was the youngest by 3 years so he didn’t know how people could be so immature. “They’re just super-heroes!” he snapped to Kylie.

“Just super-heroes.  Just super heroes. JUST SUPER-HEROES!!!???  Are you crazy?!” 

14 year old Kylie exclaimed. “This is a huge twist in history, kid. Yeesh.” She walked away.  

So a week later, Jasper--under the pretense of going to his friend Lefty’s house--left his house and got on the bus to where the Hero Pair were being interviewed. When he got there, he almost gagged and retched at Victoria’s ridiculous outfit of a red super-suit trimmed in gold velvet. Valor wore a purple super suit trimmed in green velvet. Jasper stood there, waiting until the interview was done. Then when the Pair walked off, he followed them. Many people wanted Hero Pair autographs, but not Jasper. He followed the super-heroes into a dark ally. A man in a black government suit waited there. 

“What do we do now?” asked Valor.

“Give Jake the paper.” answered the man in a deep voice. He handed them a piece of paper. “Ok. Are you sure a communist government is better for the country?” asked Victoria. “I still have my doubts.”

“Yes.” said the man.

“Ok. It had better be good or else I’m throwing you to South America with my mind.” Victoria replied.

“And I’ll laser you,” Valor chimed in.

“Ok, ok, need to get n-n-n-nasty there, m-m-mates.” The man nervously stammered.

Jasper ran hard and fast away, for fear of being spotted. The Hero Pair were in on it too. Jasper knew what that meant. He’d have to be Lab Rat, the most foul villain of them all. Of course he won’t actually be evil. It would look like it because he was fighting the Pair.

In the following days, Jasper realized that his powers involved sharing with rats. He had a rat’s good senses, and the rats could have his super strength. Then he heard the New York Mayor announced...Hero Pair Day, to “honor everything they’ve done for us”. 

“That’s when I make my move.” Jasper told his favorite rat, Hybucha. Hybucha only snuggled closer to him.

 On Hero Pair day, the festivities were being held in Central Park. Jasper feigned a cold and once his family left, he went into a work building by the park, took an elevator to the top floor and climbed out a window and up to the top of the building. He was decked in a brown T-shirt that he had spray painted Lab Rat on. He also had a white lab coat that wasn’t buttoned. He had “scientist goggles” and black gloves and boots. Jasper sat there, crouched, until the festivities started. The mayor got on the speech stand.

“I am pleased to announce...Hero Pair Day!” Cheers followed that statement. After talking awhile about how good the Pair was, he asked, “And can Victoria come up and give a speech?” Jasper jumped off the building.   Victoria hovered in the air about 6 feet of the ground. 

“Thank you Mayor Benning,” she said. “I want to thank you all for your suppor--AAAUUUGH!” Jasper, who had been free-falling through the air this whole time, came down in the middle of the speech and axe kicked her between the shoulder blades.

“ATTACK! SUPER VILLAIN!” people yelled, while simultaneously running away.

 “We will protect you!” said Victoria, rising from the ground. She came up to meet a punch to the face. “Aaaauuugh!” she gurgled as Jasper curled his hands around her throat. She tried to throw him off with her mind but his grip was to strong. Jasper snapped and curled like a flag in the wind. Then Valor flew in and punched Jasper’s head. Jasper staggered backwards. Then he called up the rats. The rat’s super-strength was only enough to the Pair to make it feel like a three year old is hitting you. But when 1,022 three year olds are hitting you...ouch. 511 rats tried to swarm Valor, but he blasted off into the sky. The same thing happened with Victoria. So Jasper retreated into the sewer grates with the rats.

“We will defeat you, Lab Rat!” Valor called out.

“Heh, I’ll bet.” Jasper shot back. Then he and his rats melted back into the tunnels. Jasper took the sewer way home.
(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

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(or know someone who likes to write stories)
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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