Olivia Grace

 Olivia Grace
Sena Carlson

(age  10) 

Olivia Grace stood in front of her mirror, holding different out-fits up. "How do I look in this?" She asked the mirror.

"No, no, dear, that looks hideous!" it answered back. Finally Olivia found one that the mirror approved of.

She quickly got into a man-made machine made just for her. "Good morning, Olivia! A voice cackled. Olivia Grace was a short but skinny and fit 16-year old girl, and right now she was getting ready for a party. When she got out, she had on a pretty lime-and pink dress, with a ribbon in her hair to match.

She immediately went to another machine built for nail and manicures. Then, she put her hands in a slot and a little fly-swatter-thingy came out and scanned her retina. Immediately, a robotic voice said, "Good morning, Olivia! Nails or hand massage?"

"Both" She replied. Then, a bowl sprang out like a cash register's shelf back in the old days. In the middle of it stood a little stand with two big bristles on it. when she put her hands on it, it started whirling. Oh, that felt good! She spoke into the speaker again and said, "lower the mani-stool, please." As the stool lowered, her hands felt better because now the bristles were manicuring her hands in warm water, too.

"Olivia! Don't be late! We leave in 10 minutes!" Her mother called down.

Reluctantly, Olivia took her hands out of the bowl  and spoke into the speaker saying, "Now nails." The bowl and bristles disappeared, and a new shelf replace it. This time, there were 10, round slots and she put her fingers into them.

Immediately, they closed in around her fingers, and the machine asked, "Nail polish, fake nails, or 8-d?" (8-d was a special nail polish that changed colors when lightly pressed on)

"Nail polish." She answered back.

"What color?"

"Red." Then, inside the machine, a red coating of nail polish dumped onto her fingers. The nail slots loosened, and she took her hands out.

Next, she put her hands in the last shelf in the machine and said to it, "Speed." The machine then made a count-down from 5, and when Olivia took her hands out, they were completely dry, and they had a more brighter, jell-like appearance.

"Olivia, 5 more minutes!" Her mother called from downstairs.

Olivia finally hurried into a little closed-in area like a tent in the circus back in the old days. Then, she pushed the code of perfume she wanted-8-4-0- purple strawberry. Suddenly, little sprayers from everywhere sprayed on the mysterious "purple strawberry." It was only found in the northern part of Africa. It gave off an unusually smoky-strawberry type of smell, but Olivia liked it.

"Time to go!" Her mother called.  She quickly grabbed her purse and ran downstairs. Well, not exactly. You couldn't even call them stairs. They did not indent like normal stairs do- they went straight, but were tilted like a ramp. She put on special boots that could only go up and down the stairs, but not anywhere else. 

She jumped into the car and her mom took off. They did not need seat belts like in the old days; a supernatural forced them back into their seats when the car started. On the way, Olivia got ready. She opened her purse and light shone from it in case it was nighttime. The purse was a robot! It jumped up out of her hands and immediately started putting lipstick, eye shadow, and blush on her. 

"There's the house, up ahead!" She cried.

(Assignment for Lesson #5 - Setting  )

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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