Lab Rat (Part Six)

Elias Cooper 
(age 11)

Chapter 6: The Tri-War

NEW SUPER-VILLAIN GANG RUNS INTO NEW YORK! the newspaper headlines screamed. “At least they’ve got one thing right.” grumbled Jasper as he put on his super suit. Caleb, Maya, and Jaden were doing the same. “You guys ready?” Jasper inquired.

“You betcha.” Jaden said.

“You know the plan--skydive bomb ‘em and make battle and beat them. Got it?” Jasper ran through instructions one more time.

“Sure thing, slugger.” Caleb saluted. Maya snickered.

“Let’s go to war.” Jaden cracked his knuckles at the end of his statement. Everyone laughed.

The four of them crouched on the Empire State Building. They watched the cars race back in forth along the streets below. They were in the middle of a giant thunderstorm. They were all soaked to the bone. “We’ve been here three hours! When’ll they come?” complained Jaden for the thousandth time. 

Caleb was fed up with it. “Just shut up!” he snarled. 

“You shut up first!” Jaden snarled back. 

“Both of you shut up!” Maya snarled. “All of you  shut your mouths all ready! They’ll hear you a mile away!”

Jasper snarled at everybody. They had all started snarling at each other when…. 

“Were you planning to ambush us? Ha!” A bolt of lightning struck the lightning rod on the Empire State Building. A blonde girl about fifteen materialized out of it. 

“You must be Electra.” Maya said dryly.

 “You got that right!” Electra smiled proudly. “But enough of the Hero/Villain banter. Let’s fight!” 

The building shook. A fifteen foot black Hulk with blue hair and nostrils the size of rice cookers leapt onto the building. “Hey guys!” he said in a rumbling voice. He had a creepy smile. Howls filled the air. A boy around Electra’s age with brown hair sat on the steps of the State Building. Literally a hundred wolves prowled around him. 

“Bro, it’s Alpha!” Jaden said. 

A black haired, Chinese girl appeared out of a strong gust of wind. 

“Windwhip!” Jasper muttered.

A red-headed girl jumped up on to the building from a geyser of mud. “It’s Terra, you guys!” Maya called out 

Frankenstein made the first move. He swung a giant fist at Jasper, who ducked. Soon the air was filled with blasted of fire, electricity, sonic booms, howls of wolves, and squeaks of rats. Then Victoria came out of nowhere and slammed into Frankenstein, and tried to throw him off the building telepathically. Frankenstein held firm. He picked up a dazed Victoria and threw her to kingdom come. Then missiles, bullets, exploding cannon balls, and energy blasts filled the air. A flying robot speeded toward them. Drone had made his first appearance. Then Valor came in and punched Caleb in the face.  But then...Maya was shooting at Drone, and the sounds of battle were so loud that she couldn’t hear Frankenstein lumbering up behind her. Frankenstein punched her so hard that she flew one thousand yards and smashed threw a window.

Then Jaden screamed.

(to be continued)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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