My 10th Birthday

My 10th Birthday
Sena Carlson
(age 11)

I remember my 10th birthday. It was probably one of my favorite ones. The day started with breakfast out with Dad. On special occasions, he'll take me out on a "Daddy-date" to my favorite place, the Owls Head General Store. Dad always gets eggs and bacon with hash browns, and I always get a warm blueberry muffin with butter. (and sometimes two eggs with it. Mmm! It is delicious! On that special day, Dad got me a steaming hot chocolate.

      When we arrived home, I got ready to go out with my sister-in-law, Darcie, and her daughter, Shiina. We went to Darcie's friend's house who was an experienced stylist. She dyed Shiina's hair a radiant blue, and straightened mine so that it was soft and wavy. The whole tiring process took about two hours. After that, we went to KFC, and Shiina and I ordered the same thing- except Shiina didn't have applesauce and I didn't have gravy. When we arrived home again, Shiina stayed at my house and played with me until supper time. Just before supper, though, my dad took us to Lowe's. When we got home, we had fish. (Ugh, not my favorite!) Then we watched, the "Twilight Zone". 

At six o'clock, the guests started arriving. (It was just family.) My presents were LOTS and LOTS and LOTS doll clothes, nail polish, a new brush for my straightened hair, chap stick, and probably one of the greatest presents of all, Darcie's beautiful fake white Christmas tree! (My birthday is in November, so Christmas was coming up.) After presents we had my favorite cake of all, Boston Crème Pie cake! All in all, it was an awesome birthday- but the best was yet to come. 

The next Saturday, Emma and Shiina, my two best friends, went to the MRC to go ice skating with me. After we had skated for about three hours, we went to Hannaford to pick up my mini Frozen cake. (At the time I had loved the movie Frozen.) At home, we played with my American girl dolls and the new clothes I had got for them. Then, we dressed up (I was Queen Pa Deme from Star Wars) and had a tea party. Shiina scooped the cold, yummy mint chocolate chip ice cream, Emma served the steaming tea, and I cut the beautiful cake. After, we played some more and cleaned up my room. Then, we had my favorite meal, hot, steaming, spaghetti- with garlic bread!

        After that, we bundled up and went to the Festival of Lights. The parade was so colorful! It was right next to Planet Toys Store, so we went in and looked around. Shiina even bought glow sticks for us to use that night! After we got home, we played outside with my brother and his best friend, Joel. (Joel was spending the night, too.) Finally, we went inside because Emma got snow down her back. Then, we took our showers and snuggled into our sleeping bags on the living room floor. Then, we watched the new movie, "Cinderella", while finishing up our ice cream. All in all, it was an AWESOME birthday!

(Assignment for Lesson # 14 - Memories)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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