News in the Bayside West Neigborhood

News in the Bayside West Neighborhood
Sena Carlson
(age 11)

Bayside West is an exciting and interesting place! The small neighborhood in Owls Head, Maine, has raccoons, foxes, mountain lions, turkeys, and other similar animals.

One day, about ten years ago, Nichole Harvey, one of the neighborhood's residents, was walking with her sister on Bayside West Street and saw something that looked very much like a cougar at her neighbor, Jimmy Haul's, house. Nichole immediately grabbed her sister, Heather, who was very small at that time, and walked as fast as she could, cutting through another neighbor's yard and running home the rest of the way to tell her mother. This is only one of the strange, rare sightings of mountain lions or cougars. Owls Head also has turkeys. These animals are very common and love to go on the resident's lawns. There will probably be many more rare sightings and discoveries in this small neighborhood.

Years ago, one of the residents in the Bayside West neighborhood would secretly put a plastic Easter egg filled with big jelly beans on each neighbor's lawns every Easter morning. Then the lady moved away. Oddly, though, the jelly beans kept on coming! The residents of that neighborhood to this day do not know who puts those mysterious jelly beans on their lawns every Easter morning.

(Assignment for Lesson 18 - News Reporting) 

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