Lab Rat - Parts Seven and Eight

Elias Cooper
(age 11)

Chapter 7
Jaden Goes Wild

He screamed so loud that Caleb and Jasper stopped in shock long enough to be taken out be Electra and Windwhip. Then Jaden jumped at Frankenstein. Both of his fists were blazing with fire. His shoved one fist up Frankenstein’s left nostril and sent the other in a roundhouse punch crashing into the big guy’s right cheek. 

Frankenstein bellowed and threw Jaden off. But it was too late. The surprise and shock were so great that the world’s latest version of the Incredible Hulk fell all the way down the Empire State Building. He crashed in such fury that there was a tiny earth quake. 

Jaden  expelled the fire from his hands in an aimed shot at Electra. He guided the fire with his mind so that it dodged her desperate attacks of lightning. The flames rammed into her just as she made a weak electric shield. The force pushed her off the edge. Jaden’s whole body burst aflame and he shot the different fireballs in different directions. He guided them all with his mind, sending seven fire balls smashing into Drone. 

The human robot landed on the building to rest, only to be enveloped in a circle of fire. He ran wildly through the flames, heating up his metal body.But in his wild run, he was not looking and fell off the building. 

Victoria tried to move the fire bolts with her mind, but Jaden too many under his control. He sent many streaks of flame into Victoria. She crumpled to the ground. 

Alpha  had gotten his wolves up the building. But Jaden made a ring of fire so big that the wolves retreated. Alpha turned into a six foot long wolf, and commanded that the wolves return. But Jaden singed all the wolves with red hot fire and the beastly dogs ran away for good. 

Wolf Alpha shrugged and launched himself at Jaden. But Flaming Fire punched him in the nose. Alpha himself ran after his wolves. Then Terra shot mud, dirt, rocks, and plants at Jaden, but he deflected them all and punched Terra the old style way. She too, was taken out. 

Windwhip melted into the air but Jaden made a blazing fireball that heated up the air so much she came back out, gasping with pain and sweating from the heat. She retreated in the wind again, but this time leaving the battle. The only one left was Valor. He took one look at the fireball in Jaden’s hands and took a step backwards. “This isn’t over, you brat! Fire Thug!” he snarled. 

“Fire Thug my foot!” Jaden called after Valor’s rapidly retreating figure. 

Jasper stirred from his unconsciousness. Caleb was still out cold. Jasper took one look around and said, “What’d I miss?” Jaden laughed so hard that he almost threw up. “A lot.”

Chapter 8: 
We Still Got Work To Do


The papers said that Maya got medical treatment but was in prison. No one knew how she survived Frankenstein’s attack.

“We have to break Maya out of jail!” Jaden said urgently.

“I know.” said Jasper.

“Yep,” said Caleb. “We still got work to do.”

 (to be continued in the next book)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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