
Cora Blake
(age 6)

Axolotls are salamanders. They keep their baby bodies even when they are adults.

Salamanders are called "fire lizards." The Mexicans call axolotls "walking fish." They are also called "water beasts." The Aztecs called them "water dogs."

Axolotls live in Mexico in Lake Xchimilco. They live underwater. Axolotls can swim 10 miles per hour. Their gills absorb oxygen. Pollution makes axolotls die. They are endangered animals.

Axolotls have feathery gills. They have a long tail like a fish. They have a cute smile. Axolotls can grow 9-18 inches long. They weigh about 10 ounces. They can grow new body parts. Axolotls don't have any eyelids.

Axolotls can be golden, gray, pink, and brown with golden dots. Wild axolotls are dark and can change colors to camouflage. White axolotls have pink gills. Black ones have blue gills.

Axolotls suck food like a vacuum cleaner. They eat worms, insects, and small fish. 

Some people keep axolotls as pets. I want a pet axolotl because they are so cute!

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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