The Ghostcoons

Jayse Bickel
(age 12)

Once upon a time, there was a middle-aged 45-year-old woman named Bess, who had just bought an old house on a hill in a town called Swampland. The man that owned the house before her told her that it used to be an old robber hideout. 

One day, as she was fixing up the kitchen, she heard a loud noise coming from the ceiling. She thought to herself, "Must be those raccoons againI'll take care of them later."

After she finished cleaning out the acorns in the cupboards, she thought to herself, "Better go take care of those raccoons." She sighed. 

As she walked up the creaky attic steps, she heard the raccoons again. Bess made it to the trapdoor that led to the attic. She opened the door and climbed out into the attic. She looked around at the old trunks and dusty boxes. Bess walked up to an old green trunk that all the rattling noises seemed to come from.

She lifted the lid and stepped back. Instantly, a white shape rose up from the trunk, and she heard a scratchy "shcrchhht shhht."

"Yikes! A ghost! I gotta get out of here!" 

She ran down the stairs, all the way to town, right up to the sheriff"s office. "You've got to help me!" she shrieked. "There is a ghost in my attic!" 

"Now, now," said the sheriff. "There's got to be a logical explanation for this. I'll come with you to investigate this 'ghost' business."

So the sheriff drove Bess back to her house. They got out of the car and walked carefully up the steps into the house, past the kitchen through the door, up the attic steps, and into the attic

 "Shrchhh shhh."

They froze. "Now, Bess," said the sheriff. "There's no such thing as a g-g-ghost," he whispered. 

"It's over here," Bess whispered. 

The sheriff walked up to the trunk, paused for a moment, and lifted the lid.  But nothing came out. 

The only thing that was in there was an old white sheet. But wait a minute, the sheet was breathing. Bess yanked off the sheet, and under were two raccoons. 

"So it was raccoons," laughed Bess.

~ ~ ~

(Assignment from Lesson # 16 - Endings)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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