The Deer Family

The deer Family
Annika Sher
(age 7)

A deer said I need a family. then Another deer came and she said I 'll be in your family. then A moose came along and he said I 'll be in your family to . and then A doe came along and she said and I 'll be in your family also . and then they were a family and they had a baby. His name was John. John was a good baby. A few years later wen he was seven all the deer played together.

Wen John was a dad he had a wife named... Scarlet and two deer named Amy and Cody. Amy and Cody are twins and . they like the same things too! And the same games to. they like to play tag and freeze tag. And hide and seek.

And wen Amy and Cody grew up... they surprisingly got married! And they,re kids names were... Mary and Matt. And they were very good kids. A few years later at thanks giving. They had a feast. And celebration for Christmas


(original and unedited)


  1. I enjoyed this story, Annika! Good job! Keep writing.

  2. There is nothing better than deer stories! Good job, Annika!!!

  3. I love this story! I like your happy forest family. Your spelling and grammar are so good - I'll bet your parents are proud of you.

  4. You did awesome, Annika. I hope you like seeing your story here!

  5. I love deer, and I love this wonderful story. Good work!

  6. Hi Annika - I love your story! Nature is so inspiring. Keep writing more stories for us to enjoy! Love Aunt Lois.

  7. I don't know about you, but I love an en-deer-ing story about families with twins. Great story, Annika. Look out Mommy is all I have to say. She's going to have some tough competition as you get older. (I think she'll probably welcome it, though.) :)

  8. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it! What a nice story, Annika!! Keep it up!!

  9. I totally enjoyed this story. I'm partial to stories that follow several generations. Great work, Annika!

  10. I love watching deer in our yard. Great job with your story, Annika! Happy deer are the best kind!

  11. I loved reading your story, Annika! Deers are one of my favorite animals. Hope to read more stories from you real soon. Great job!!


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