Dash, the Guinea Pig - Part Two

Dash - Part Two
Simon Slider
(age 8)
(click here for Part One)

Dash and the lion

Dash was finally tired of his old cage now. He wished his cage would have a door so he could jump out and see the world like he did when he was a baby. He finally got so tired that he fell down asleep. Finally he closed his eyes and dreamed a dream. This is Dash’s dream:

He dreamed he was a guinea pig that was named Dasher for long and Dash for short. Butterflies made him smile and he loved jokes. He was a talking guinea pig but lived outside and loved the world. He hated stinging bugs and loved unstinging bugs and hated biting bugs and loved unbiting bugs, such as butterflies and caterpillars, etc. He loved these songs, These things are making me smile, Let angels rejoice, God made the world, and Butterflies.
Lions would like to say, “You look delicious,” or “You would just be a tasty snack for a lion,” and growl at him. He one time saw a lion but the lion didn’t say, “You look delicious,” or “You would just be a tasty snack for a lion.” It just stood still minding his/her own business.

Dash said, “Are you a lion that doesn’t eat guinea pigs?”

The lion didn’t answer.

He said it louder.

Still he didn’t move.

He said it louder and louder.

Finally the lion shook its mane. What would this lion do?

Thyro and Dash's adventure 1

This lion tiptoed to Dash. A little closer, and a little closer. The lion wouldn’t bite. Not even a single snap.

“I’m Thyro,” said the Lion in a loud voice then louder, “Thyro!” then a little louder which made Dash cover his ears, “THYRO!”

Dash felt something behind his back. “Dog!” he said. “It’s my legs!” He actually says, “Dog!” instead of “Darn!” His legs were shivering.

Maybe outside wasn’t so beautiful after all, Dasher thought. He needed to rest. He found a comfortable place to rest. The Barn was comfortable, thought Dash. He found a comfortable seat to rest. The Hay stack is comfortable, thought Dash. But is it less noisy?

“An owl!” thought Dash.

He hopped onto the bell. It made a loud Ring! Ring!

The cows mooed. The chickens clucked. The pigs oinked.

“This Barn is comfortable,” said Dash. “But more noisy than I thought it would be.” (to be continued...)

(original and unedited)

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good story!
    Can't wait for the next part.
    Keep up the good work!


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