Dash, the Guinea Pig - Parts Three & Four

(Part One)
(Part Two)

Dash's Adventures and Trouble

He walked out of the Barn and to the police station. The policemen weren’t there. So Dash hopped into the robber’s cage. Hopefully there was a bed.

Sitting in the bed was comfortable but too hard. Dash escaped and went to the fire station. Was there a bed? Thought Dash. The only way to find out was to try. Dash found a hole that was just about big as his tummy and crawled through.

Yes, there was. A bed comfortable and just the right size for a guinea pig like Dash. Not hard and this was definitely not noisy. The Firemen went to call the policemen.

Henry, a friend of Dash’s, came over to see Dash. Soon, the policemen came with two stray dogs. Together, the two guinea pig friends darted onto the bridge with the two stray dogs behind him and the policemen at the end. At another time they darted onto another bridge and then another group of policemen blocked their way of escape.

“If we don’t get through, we’ll be put in jail forever!” said Henry. They got through but then they got onto a third bridge. Another group of policemen blocked the escape.

“Hey!” said Henry. “We’re good swimmers. We can swim as fast as we can and as far as we can. Then the policemen will get tired from all that running. And so will the dogs.” They both jumped into the dirty water.

Dash's Adventure - Part Four

The policemen tried to jump but they couldn’t. The dogs could. They went the wrong way. The guinea pigs were headed to the zoo. Maybe there was a bed, thought Dash as he and Henry floated in the streams like a duck or boat.

“Alligators!” said Dash. “Let’s go see the alligators, tigers, jaguars, foxes, eagles and lions!”

Hurrying into the MOLA (This is not the Fort Worth Zoo MOLA of course), they saw snakes, alligators, 56 snapping turtles, a fish, two raccoons, a scarlet ibis, and the golden tamarins. But where were the eagles, lions, tigers, jaguars and foxes?

By this time, the dogs came back, wet and dirty.

“Get them?” asked the policemen.

The two stray dogs showed their paws.

“Wrong way? Huh?” said one police. “They’re tired,” said another police. “Let them rest!”

Dash thought the creatures were cute, but he still wanted to see the eagles, lions, tigers, jaguars and foxes. Why, here was a sign! It said “Eagles, this way.”

Dash and Henry were getting tired of the sun after they passed all those animals and things they saw. So that is the end of Dash’s dream.

~ ~ ~

When Dash awoke from his sleep, then he noticed he was back at the school. And there was Mason, the boy who was orphaned. Right now Dash couldn’t talk. He just wanted to be petted. So Mason took him out of his cage and the orphanage school boys and girls petted him.

The End!

P.S. And the policemen in Dash’s dream never found Dash and Henry again.

(original and unedited)


  1. So enjoyed this story! Keep writing - and sending it here!

  2. What a great story, Simon!
    I love the ending. I'm glad Dash was happy to be in the orphange school.

  3. I really enjoyed this story, Simon! I
    could picture the whole scene.
    Keep writing more stories!


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