At Grammie's House

Polliwog Summer Writing Contest

Ashley Jones 
(age 15)

When we visit with my family there is something you will find...

All the smiling faces, their voices buzz right through my mind.

Us children, through the house we quickly run,
At Grammie's House it is always so much fun!
The aroma of goodies often floats right through the place,
We start to fill our bellies, we do it with much haste.
There is always a small child to snuggle on Grampa's knee,
While aunts, uncles, and cousins tell stories with great glee!
That happy buzz will never be far away.
Throughout our lifetimes, I hope this joy will always stay!

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
 (or know someone who likes to write stories)
 I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. I really enjoyed this poem, Ashley!
    Good job.
    I hope you'll keep writing.


  2. Awesome poem! I'm going to be a grandma soon. I hope my new grandchild will describe my home in this way through the years. <3

  3. I like how the poem has a feeling of lots of activity! I can almost feeling your excitement!


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the Polliwog Kids