The River of Darkness

Polliwog Pages Writing Contest

The River of Darkness
Abby Degnan
(age 14)

     It was said that whoever swam in the River of Darkness would sink down to the dark depths of it and never return. Well, there is a story of a girl and a boy who went inside this River without knowing what would happen, and how dangerous it is. Read on and hear about the story.

     John and Alice moved to a place a few miles away from a river. John was a 14 year old boy that was brave and tough. He had dirty-blond hair and blue eyes. 

     Alice was a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She was a 9 year old sweetheart. She carried her little dollie all over the place.  They were exploring one day by the River. 

     "Hey Alice! Look, I can skip a rock across the river," John said.

     Alice put her hands on her hips and waited for John to skip it.

     John picked up a shiny flat rock. He threw it into the water. But instead of skipping it splashed into the water and making it disappear. 

      "Well, that didn't exactly work out," Alice said sweetly. 

       She took her shoes off and stuck her feet in the water to cool them off. The river was cool and felt good running along her feet. She watched the stream hit against a few rocks splashing along.

     John soon, stuck his feet in too. Alice, saw a little fish and smiled.

     "John! Look at the fish!" She exclamied.

      "Eh." He shrugged.

      She reached her hand out to the fish but she ended up falling on her knees. She quickly got up and went back to land scolding herself for getting her clothes wet.

      Though, she realized her dollie had gotten away! She looked at the river and saw her dollie floating in the middle.

      "John, go get it, please." She asked.

       "Ugh. Why? It's just a dumb doll."

       "But it's my special doll. . . . . . Fine, if you won't get it I will." She said. 

        John shrugged again.

     At first, Alice hesitated not wanting to get her clothes wet, but she loves her dollie and didn't want it to go.   She went inside the water and started to swim out to her precious dollie. 

     When she got to it, she grabbed it and tried to swim back. Though, something was tugging on her, something that wouldn't let her go. She started to panic. 

     "John! Help! I can't get out!" She cried.

      "Are you sure? You look plenty fine to me." He said.

     Before John could sat anything else or Alice could reply, she was sucked under water with a scream.

      "Alice!" John yelled. He dived into the water making a splash. He went deeper, and deeper. ALice was no where to be found. 

     He needed air so he started to go back up but something grabbed him. He looked down and it was like a vine coming from the darkness, grabbing onto him.

    He fought under water to get off it. He finally, bit the vine which made the vine snap and he swam up. He took a deep breath then again went under water looking for Alice. 

     Instead of seeing Alice, he saw her dollie slowly floating up. He grabbed the doll and went deeper. . .and deeper. He saw a little arm. He grabbed the arm and there he saw his dear Alice unconsious.

      He pulled her up and up and up slowly losing breath, but not giving up.

      A vine grabbed onto him again And another vine.  With all his strength he would try to swim upward to Alice to safety. 

     He wouldn't give up like the others that drowned did. With the strength and breath left in him he swam braking the vines and making it to land. He was about to pass out. He was breathing heavily. 

     "Alice! Alice! Wake up!" He cried. 

      He had no strength to do anything.

     He cried out to God asking for him to save Alice. Or even let him take the place of death and let Alice live. He knew that he was foolish to leave her out there in the first place. 

     Then, a miracle from God happened. Alice, with water spitting out of her mouth, awoke.

      And John rested his head smiling and thanking God for saving their lives.. . .Thanking God for not letting her die.

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
 (or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
 Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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