The Day I Found Out My Grandpa had Cancer

The Day I Found Out My Grandpa Had Cancer
Warren Champeon
(age 11)

My Grandpa is a very hard worker. He has served God for very many years. He is very kind and smart and caring. I love  Grandpa. And  we would often wrestle and he would lift us too!

It was at supper and then I heard mom say, "Should we tell them?"

I said "Tell us what?"

Mom said "Grandpa has cancer and he might die tonight."

That night I cried so much. But he still lives today. Now he has less energy, but we still watch TV with him and play games with him. I thank God that he is alive!

(assignment for Lesson 20)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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