In Search of a Normal Life, Part Twelve

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


When I left, Mask, who had been watching the whole time and had been laughing at Raven and her brother and Rakmids attempts to capture me came over and untangled the thing I had used to tie them up
and said, “its not going to be that easy to capture Mike.”
            “Ok then what do we do smart guy, not try at all, and disobey our captains orders?” asked Raven's brother.
            “Ok, so you don't want my advice,” said Mask.
            “No, we just don't like you to come and say we should try it a different way when we have been doing this all our lives it runs in the family,” said Raven.
            “No, I meant that when you can't stun him with a gun an open fight won't work the best way to do it is to ambush him” said Mask trying not to sound mean.
            “You know I was just thinking about that,” said Rakmid.
            “Well then smart guy,” said Ravens brother.
            “How might one ambush him anyway? My name is Breacrave. What's your name. Wait I know your name, Mask.. Not pleased to meet you,” stated Breacrave.
            “Do you two know each other?” asked Raven not sure of what was going on.
            “Yes, mister Mask here kept trying to use me as his, well, you might say guinea pig at his supposedly completely harmless lab where he was testing different kinds of poison injections! Which goes to say something,” said Breacrave, getting madder by the minute.
            “Look I’ve told you a million times already I was just getting you back for making me have to stop a very important, at least for me it was experiment just so you could get some sleep. You soldiers and your ways, you just don't know how important things like that are,” said Mask, trying to make Breacrave calm down.
            “Excuse me, we are being watched by Mike is anyone paying attention!” yelled Rakmid above the argument that was going on between Breacrave and Mask.
            “What did you say?” asked Breacrave.
            “Mike is right over there,” answered Rakmid, who was getting very annoyed.
            “Ok, if Mike is watching us argue then what if we attacked him on my Marco and surprised him? Marco, ok, now attack!” said Breacrave.
Everyone attacked me. Everyone that is except Mask who just watched the whole thing. It was a very weird fight with everyone trying to grab me and get the helmet on.

In the end they did get the helmet on me, and this time they knocked me out just to be sure.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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