
Sena Carlson
(age 10)

 Max was mostly a good boy, especially for a nine-year-old. He never talked back to his mother or father, never threw fits, and never bothered his two annoying sisters: Anita, age twelve, and Mary, who was only six months old. This could get pretty hard at times, especially when it came to Anita. Anita wanted everything to go her own way, and wouldn't speak if it didn't. She was constantly bossing Max around, and even though Max got so mad at her that he wanted to hit her, he never did.

     Even when his dog, Ruby, chewed up his brand-new book, Earagon by his favorite author , Christopher Taolini  all he did was make an apology to his grandmother, who had bought it for him, and go on with his life. Eventually, a couple of years later, he got the same exact book, but it was not brand-new; it was bought from a house from an ad in the newspaper. (This was because there were no more copies of that exact book in stores.)

     One night, when Max was eleven years old, he had a seizure. He'd had them before when he was two or three, but everybody thought that was over now. This was serious. He happened to be finishing his book, Earagon. He had such a bad seizure that his whole body stiffened up. He was holding the book so hard, that, somehow, just somehow, a sliver of his body slipped into the edge of the book's hard cover.

     Suddenly, he was swimming in... green slime? "Yuck!" he thought. He seemed to be in a new world, an absolutely amazing world. Suddenly, he dropped onto something very hard. He focused on adjusting his eyes in the thick fog. Suddenly, he saw an eerie shadow- of what? A dinosaur? As it came closer, it became clear. It was a dragon! Max's feet couldn't move as he watched the dragon coming closer. It was nine feet tall with fiery red nostrils and teeth. Oh, such horrible teeth! Just like in the story... 

(to be continued)

(Assignment for Lesson #12 - Climax) 

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is VERY interesting! It's better then mine! You are a very talented writer! Keep up the good work and keep you emagination gears running! From:Hannah Aldrich


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