Jungle Fun
Jadon Dodge (age 4)
There was a monkey in a jungle climbing a tree and his name was Zac.
And there were a thousand more monkeys with him and those monkeys were climbing trees to and they were all throwing bananas to there moms and dads and brothers and sisters.
And Zac got captured and brang to another place called the bestest jungle in the world.
But it was not the bestest because there were three scary dinosaurs name Big spike and Glow eyes and Big foot but they became friends.
The End
(narrated to his brother, Elias, age 8)
I really like your
story, Jadon. I bet
you have lots of
stories. Good job!
Good story Jadon. I hope the monkeys were okay!
Great story, Jadon! Thank you for joining Polliwog Pages. I hope you write more stories.
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