The Christmas Basket

The Christmas Basket
Ashley Jones
(age 15)

I'm just a little Christmas basket, spreading Christmas joy.
After a long journey I found myself in the hands of a little boy.
He opened me up and looked in to see
He wondered..... "I thought nobody cared for me".
Inside of me there was fruit, candy, and a few little toys
Everything that would interest any young boys.
And at the bottom of me there was a book, the boy was happy, he knew how to read
A note inside declared it is the only thing you will ever need.
He opened it up and began to read,
After a while he looked quite pleased.
"There is a man who cares for me,
He loves everyone, why couldn't I see?"
At that moment the boy decided to live for his King.
Honor to God he never ceased to bring.

Many years later we see him traveling to tell his story,
About the Man who loves everyone so much, He left Heaven's glory.
He preached, and many people got saved,
He still wanted to know who sent the basket, so they could be repaid.
After the service when people began to leave,
An old lady came up and told him something he almost couldn't believe.
"I sent you that basket many Christmas Eves ago,
I just wanted you to know that Jesus and I love you so."
"But how did you know", he stammered, "that I had such a need?"
"I saw you on the streets one day", she replied,"your eyes showed your plead".
"Jesus put you on my heart and told me what to do,
So I put together a Christmas Basket, I made it just for you."
"How can I ever thank you? My life was changed, it was made new."
"I need one thing", she replied, "Help me make more Christmas baskets, for children just like you."
So they made many more baskets just like me,
It spread Christmas joy, and Jesus's love for them they could clearly see.

~ ~ ~ 

(I want to apologize for not posting this closer to Christmas.)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
 I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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