Lost Kittens

Lost Kittens

by Simon G. Slider
(age 7)

Chapter 1: The Lost Kittens
Snowflake the cat was the cutest cat in the world. She had four black kittens and four white kittens. But one day, the kittens got lost on a street.

“Meow,” said one white kitten, who was named Fred White.

“This is the first time we’ve ever got lost,” said Fred Black.

“Yes,” said Mason Black.

“I want to go home!” cried Martha Black and Martha White.

“Don’t cry,” said Mason White, who was very brilliant (very smart). “I know what—” but stopped after “what.” “You’re right,” he said. “We are lost.”

“Wait,” said Daniel Black and Daniel White. “We know just what to do.”

When they got to Taco Bell, Daniel Black and Daniel White’s favorite, they ordered Tacos and Burritos, and Drinks and Ice cream.

Chapter 2: The Kittens and the Horse
“What a great place you thought of,” said Mason Black. “I love burritos and tacos.”

“Me too,” said Fred White and Fred Black and Mason White and Martha White and Martha Black.

“I thought you might like it,” said Daniel Black.

“Me too,” said Daniel White. “I thought you—”

But then a loud neigh filled the room. After the kittens finished eating and drinking, Daniel Black stopped and the rest of the kittens bumped into him.

“What are you doing?” said the horse.

“Nothing,” said the kittens. “We just bumped into each other.”

The Horse rolled Daniel White down the road and back up and down and up and down and up until the cars came.

“You almost killed him!” shouted Daniel Black. “Leave him alone!”

The Horse walked away and left Daniel White alone.

“Yay!” shouted all the kittens. “We did it!” But then the horse came back up in a while.

“I rolled Daniel White all the way home,” it panted. Daniel Black climbed up and the horse ran fast. The chase was on.

Chapter 3: Daniel Black’s Ride

This was Daniel Black’s first ride. But here is how it goes:
Do you remember Part 2? Wherever the horse went the kittens went. If the horse went left, the kittens went left. If the horse went right, the kittens went right. If the horse went straight, the kittens went straight. If the horse went on a road, the kittens went on the road. If the horse went off the road, the kittens went off the road.

Where was the horse taking Daniel Black? wondered the kittens. I think he took Daniel Black home.

Suddenly, the horse went faster than ever. And soon the horse was gone.

“Phew,” said Fred Black. “are you okay, Daniel Black?”

“Of course,” said Daniel Black. “I just fell off the horse’s back.”

All the other kittens laughed. “Hey, it’s not funny,” said Daniel Black. “It’s just—” but after he was about to say “not,” the kittens noticed a white face peeking out from the bushes.

“Daniel White,” said the kittens. “How did you get here?”

“Well by the horse,” said Daniel White.

“I am so sorry,” said the Horse. “I didn’t mean to roll you up and down. Please will you forgive me?”

“Of course,” said Daniel White. And then the horse left. Then the kittens went to get some ice cream.

“How many blocks is it home?” Daniel Black asked Daniel White.

“Ten blocks home,” said Daniel White.

Chapter 4: The Kittens Argue About Their Way Home
“Oh,” said Daniel Black, as he was thinking of strawberry ice creams for the kittens to eat. “I found a shortcut. If we take Headers Rd., then we will get home faster.”

“Well it’s a good thing I brought the wagon,” said Martha Black. “cause it’s a super fast motor wagon. And besides, I can’t carry you all the way home.”

“Right,” said Fred White. “cause you might have to put yourself in the wagon.”

“You’re right,” said Martha White.

“No,” said Daniel White. “I think we should take Caravan St. I think we will get home much faster than Headers Rd. Cause if we take Headers Rd. instead, we will all have to be put into the wagon.”

“No, I don’t agree with that,” said Fred Black. “I think George n’ Giorgio Ave. will be the fastest.”

“No, Caravan St.” said Daniel White.

“Headers Rd.” said Daniel Black.

“No, George n’ Giorgio,” said Fred Black.

“Headers,” said Daniel Black.

“Okay, okay,” said Mason Black. “I think that Fred Black’s choice is better and faster.”

“Yes,” said Fred White.

The short way home took a long time to get home. The wagon wouldn’t work. So Martha Black pulled them up the hill and down.

Chapter 5: Safe at Home
“It will be easier pulling the wagon down the hill,” said Martha Black. But just as she was about to pull the wagon down, the wagon rolled all the way down and unto Lion St. and kept going until it was at the kitten’s house and all the kittens rolled like a little fluffy chick. And they saw a stuffed flamingo with a hole on the back of its body.

I think the kittens were playing hit the flamingo game. But then the kittens put a patch on the flamingo’s body and put it in the right place until the clock rang and Snowflake woke up and looked outside.

There she looked and she saw her kittens. And then the kittens told her all about their adventure of all the things they did while they were lost. And then Snowflake smiled and said, “You saved the day today, kittens. But now we need to make a home for that orphaned kitten.” And they made a happy home.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow are you sure your only 7?that was awesome i liked all the adventures the cats had
