Mr. Super

Mr Super

By Elias Dodge

(age 8)

Once upon a time there was old man named Douglas M Super and he had to use a cane. One day he got a newspaper in a store and he went out of the store and sat on a bench and read.

He read about a strong dangerous robber and murderer named Jess Bad. He got up from the bench and heard a loud call for help, and when he heard it he began running like you never have seen before in the world young or old. He ran like a flash to a booth got changed into Mr Super a Superman, and his cane turned into a gun that shot cages to capture the bad guys.

He flew off towards the yell when he was where he needed to be he shot the gun and a cage grabbed Jess Bad. Mr Super grabbed the cage, blew out a flame that was climbing a rope tied to a person, and cut it, and flew away, and put Jess Bad into Jail.

(original and unedited)


Joanne Sher said...

What a GREAT story! I was not expecting the man to be a superhero. Very nice, Elias

Catrina Bradley said...

Go Mr. Super!!!!! Great story. I love the gun that shoots cages around the bad guys. said...

I love the focus on Mr. Super being an old man with a cane. One usually thinks of a superhero as being a young muscular person. Great story!

Yvonne Blake said...

Arlen, thanks for being such a good sport and letting us use your picture!

Ana said...

Dear Elias, your spelling is very good for your age. Congratulations on your publication.
Keep up!

Edna said...

thank you for all your comments ~Elias
